The State of the Industry Podcast brings together the fitness industry's top innovators and influencers to discuss emerging trends in movement (state-of-the-art technologies, advanced movement/training techniques, performance nutrition, future trends, etc.). The problem for most is not information overload, it is filter failure, so we ask the questions most never knew to ask, providing practical information listeners can apply right away. Hosted by Adam Jongsma, R.Kin, M.Sc., CSCS
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Welcome back to the state of the industry podcast. For the next two episodes I will be chatting about getting buy-in from clients and implementing ground-based movement practices into training with Richard Scrivener.
Richard and I met some three plus years ago at the FILEX conference in Australia and I can truly say the encounter changed the trajectory of my career. Richard was the first to introduce me to the ground-based movement practice of Animal Flow in addition to the concept of Mechanotransduction. This brought me to Katie Bowman and her book Move Your DNA, as well as several other research articles. It is safe to say that my perspective on movement and the body changed, virtually over night, and this quickly became evident in my teaching and the way I trained (both myself and clients).
In addition to being an international presenter, Richard is the Lead Global Master Instructor for Animal Flow, he works as the research and development manager for TRAINFITNESS, and is a London-based personal trainer and nutritional therapist.
He is a health and fitness veteran; a wealth of knowledge, and I had a blast catching up and shooting the breeze with my old friend.
I know you’ll enjoy this conversation, so I’ll see you on the other side.
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
In this week's episode we have part two of my lengthy conversation with Jiji Pollock.
Jiji is a health, exercise, and human performance processional, coach, and author in addition to being a self-confessed geek. I know her best for her role as the Health and Human performance science advisor for the Institute of Motion.
Jiji is currently completing her PhD and her research is looking at the unique effects of male and female physiology and how to optimize training for each of these groups. This conversations is not to be missed and touches on some really important aspects of training. Jiji's perspective is a real shift from how most trainers in our industry currently determine how to adapt training based on physiology.
See you on the other side.
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Monday Nov 02, 2020
In this episode, we have on Jiji Pollock. Jiji is a mom of three boys, has recently taken up rock climbing to be cool enough to hang out with her kids, and is always looking for ways to increase her dark chocolate intake.
She’s is a health, exercise, and human performance processional, coach, and author in addition to being a self-confessed geek. Jiji holds a Master of Science in Kinesiology and is a PhD candidate in Human Health and Performance at the University of Chicago. This all makes her perfectly suited for her role as the Health and Human Performance Science Advisor for the Institute of Motion.
Her PhD research looks at the unique effects of male and female physiology and how to optimize training for each of these groups. Our conversation is not only informative, but enlightening. It is a real shift from how our industry currently looks at training.
Enough of my explanation, I’ll let Jiji take it from here. See you on the other side.
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
This weeks episode is part two of my lengthy conversation with Dr Greg duManoir. Who is a tenure track instructor within the School of Health and Exercise Sciences at the University of British Columbia Okanagan.
Dr duManoir is a specialist in cardiovascular physiology and he helps unpack the science behind different types of energy system development, the determinants of endurance performance, and why it is hugely beneficial to have different types of cardiorespiratory training in your arsenal to improve metabolic flexibility.
If you haven’t already, I suggest you head over and take a listen to part one prior to indulging in part two. If you already have or if scrambled is more your style, then let dive right in
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
In this week’s episode, we dive into the science behind exercise, or more specifically, the science behind cardiovascular physiology with our guest, Dr. Greg duManoir.
Dr. duManoir is a tenure track instructor within the School of Health and Exercise Sciences at the University of British Columbia Okanagan. He holds a B.Sc. (Kinesiology) and a M.Sc. from the Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation at the University of Alberta and a PhD from the University of Western Ontario.
Dr. duManoir has held several teaching-related positions including Sessional Instructor at the University of Alberta and College Professor in the Human Kinetics Diploma Program at Okanagan College. While his training is in cardiovascular physiology, he has a wide breadth of knowledge on the interaction and response of human physiology during exercise.
Greg and I discussed the role of altitude training, the efficacy of training masks, the different adaptations that occur within the body as a result of different stimuli as well as several other topics. I learned a lot during our discussion and was also reminded about how much I have forgot since my years in undergrad, so I know there will be a lot of practical information for you as well.
In his free time, Dr duManoir enjoys wine, hitting the slopes, and long bike rides down muddy mountain trails.
Without any further adieu, let’s dive right in.
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Monday Oct 12, 2020
This episode is part two of my conversation with Dr. Brandon Marcello.
Brandon shares some great insights into how to optimize sleep and training for those confused, dissatisfied, or simply in need of guidance. We discuss sleep debt, sleep pressure, sleep inertia, and naps to name a few.
If you have not yet listened to part one, I recommend heading there first.
Either way, enjoy and I will see you on the other side.
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
In this weeks episode we cover all things recovery with one of the top high-performance strategists around, Dr. Brandon Marcello. Brandon has over 20-years experience in the performance enhancement industry, where he brings innovation, education, and proven application to the worlds of sports performance, health, fitness, and wellness.
With his extensive involvement in both the applied and research worlds, he has implemented successful, high-performance training programs for professional, Olympic and collegiate athletes. He also works extensively with individuals and organizations, taking them to the next level through multi-year and time-limited human performance consulting projects in the United States and abroad.
Dr. Marcello is recognized author, researcher, and international presenter, he routinely speaks around the world on a number of topics pertaining to elite-level performance. His work appears regularly in numerous journals, textbooks, and periodicals and he has also served as a consultant to the U.S. military, many Division-I programs, International Sports Federations, as well and Adidas, Under Armor and Nike.
So sit back relax, and I will see you on the other side.
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
In last weeks episode we had on Dai Manuel, a highly sought-after lifestyle mentor and executive performance coach, and a personal friend and mentor of mine.
Now if you've been listening for a while, you know that we record our podcasts in two parts, recorded back-to-back on the same day. Before our podcast recording with Dai we spent a good 45 minutes of our scheduled time simply catching up and shooting the breeze, and that means we ran out of time! Thankfully, Dai was eager to hop back on to finish part two and so this is just that, part two.
If you have never heard Dai speak before, he has an energy and optimizm that is contagious. Not only is the information he shares during the podcast of great value, but he communicates it in a way that inspires one to take action.
You can follow Dai on social media @daimanuel or reach out to him through his website daimanuel.com.
Enjoy the podcast and we will see you on the other side.
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Our guest this week has been a mentor of mine both personally and professionally since we first met near the beginning of my career and I am lucky enough to call him my friend; Dai Manuel.
Dai is a dad and husband first and foremost and this is evident if you every hear him speak or creep him on social media. Dai has spent the past several years traveling the world with his family and coaching his tribe and clients virtually.
In addition, he is also an award-winning digital thought leader and author of the Whole life fitness manifesto, distinguished toastmaster and keynote speaker, former partner and chief operating officer of a multi-million-dollar fitness equipment retail company, and a sought after lifestyle mentor and executive performance coach.
His coaching is based on 5 F’s: Fitness, family, faith, and finances, with an overarching roof of fun. His energy and optimism are contagious.
I have had the pleasure of sitting in on many of his conference sessions and I think I consume the content he puts out about as quickly as he can create it.
Hopefully through our discussion during the podcast, Dai can help inspire you to be your best self and in turn assist you in helping others do the same.
Let’s dive in.
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Michol Dalcourt returns in this weeks episode to complete part 2 of our conversation on variability for health and human performance. We get into a great discussion regarding 4-quadrant programming and metabolic flexibility. The information Michol shares is not only helpful, but hugely relevant for today's fitness enthusiast and fitness professional.
Open your brain tank and enjoy.